Since we are treating these Twitter followers as subscribers, I suggest that we should continue on with the topic that I have previously. But this time, I am now going to teach you about creating a squeeze page for the ones you buy Twitter followers. I think it would be very simple for you to create a squeeze page, as long you know the basics of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML as shortcut). But what the hell is Hyper Text Marking Language to us as Twitter marketers? This is some sort of coding that needs to be done in order to create a landing page of our own.
It was also understood that squeeze pages are also being made of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), and we should get started to know more about this. To start things off, try to open your Notepad. After you open the Notepad, hold it open and go to any free headline creator in the internet, by searching it on Google by yourself. After that, think about creating a catchy header to the free eBook or information that you had in store for them. In this way, you will be attracting customers a lot to optin into your own squeeze page.
The next thing to do was go to your own autoresponder, and create or design your own optin form. After the optin form was designed, copy the HTML code of your headline and web form into Notepad, and save it as HTML file like no other.